There is innovators everywhere. Not just in the tech sector… A very special innovator I just came across was Sally Schmitt, one of the first to professionally prepare California food.

Get an overview of all The 2pt5 innovator podcast blog posts to date.
There is innovators everywhere. Not just in the tech sector… A very special innovator I just came across was Sally Schmitt, one of the first to professionally prepare California food.
The state The 2pt5 podcast is hosted is #TheLÄND “Baden-Württemberg” in the Southwest of Germany.
The place is located between France, the Rhine river and Bavaria. As well as North of the Swiss Alps with the beautiful Lake Constance/Bodensee in the South. To the North is Frankfurt, the European capital of capital.
The name “Baden-Württemberg” is hard to pronounce, even in German. Have a look a the video for an idea of how to say it:
Due to the many podcast platforms out there, this map is probably not fully accurate. But it’s great to see that there is people listening to the show on every continent, possibly missing out in Antarctica which is okay for me.
Listeners are in spots that are important for innovation. Eg in Europe (the home of the podcast is Baden-Württemberg in the Southwest of Germany), the East Coast of the US, Silicon Valley/San Fransisco, Texas, Denver, Florida, Singapore, New Zealand.
Updated Oct 21st 2021
Alibaba Group and Ant Financials are companies founded by Jack Ma. In this interview at WEF 2015 in Davos, he talks about his values, career, personal development and perseverance in a very personal way.
The Apple iPhone team had to work hard with lots of iterations to create the „overnight success“ people believe it was. The “Project Purple“ took over two years to get the iPhone launched.
They started out with many iterations of the iPod acting as a mobile phone. The initial idea was the observation of the product team that nobody seemed to be happy with their smartphone at the time.
While Rivian is also building a car brand based on battery electric technology such as Tesla, they are focusing on supplying platforms for other companies thus saving them lots of time and R&D money.
Read moreAddressing “The 2pt5” percent the innovators requires to stay ahead of the innovation curve. I think. That’s why I choose a new way WordPress offers to publish this blog. “Gutenberg” is the new block editor that makes working much easier. But as a page builder it is very much located in the beginning of the innovation diffusion curve.
With all the consequences.
There are good reasons not to use the new. “Nobody will be fired for selecting McKinsey/IBM as consultants or technology” can still be true. But picking up the new and unknown has definitely potential to propel change.
Watch this short movie and find out more about my day job and how it all started 🙂
Merry Christmas!