In this episode of The 2pt5 innovator podcast my guest is Productivity Coach Carl Pullein. We are talking about the basics of year planning for innovators and creators, about having a mid-termin goal and embedding it in a long term horizon. We are also talking about tools and concepts that help to get things done. As it often is, personal and business is often connected, so Carl is using examples from his own fitness challenges as well.
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VC & startup evangelist Bill Reichert about coaching teams to start and scale up ideas & organizations
The episode with two epiphanies 🙂 about innovation & startups. Who could ask for more!
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Podcaster David Nebinski about showing up, doing the work and using the plan of the unplannable as motivation
David Nebinski, Podcaster Extraordinaire: his Portfolio Career Podcast just passed the hundredth episode, which is a great chance to talk about showing up and doing the work.
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